Monday, January 14, 2008

An overview of penis augmentation surgery: is it for you?

Most guys would never admit it, but probably all of us have given some thought to penile enlargement surgery. Whether out of curiosity, self-consciousness, embarrassment, or a secret longing to be exceptionally well-hung, men very commonly seek information about surgery to increase the length and girth of the penis. In fact, a study of the top searches online shows "penis enlargement surgery" to be consistently among the most popular information requests.
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And as anyone who has made such a search can tell you, there are plenty of men who not only wonder about it, but who actually go through with this major surgical procedure in their quest for the ideal penis.

The evolution of penile enlargement surgery: methods

The surgical procedure to lengthen the penis was developed in the late 1980s by Chinese surgeon Long Daochao. By 1991, penis augmentation surgery began to gain momentum -- but without the monitoring or endorsement of the American Board of Plastic Surgery nor the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Still, even without a professional organization's safety and quality guidelines, many men sought out the surgery.

Those first patients may have thought they needed a bigger staff, but apparently they had some balls: imagine being the guinea pig for cosmetic penis enlargement surgery! The original methods, which haven't changed much since then, involved attempts to lengthen the penis, increase the girth, or both.
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Here's how it works: to add the appearance of length, the surgeon cuts the suspensory ligament that anchors the penis to the body, allowing it to drop down and forward; in this way, it is hoped that the portion of the penis that is normally held inside the body cavity will stretch outward and appear as more length. The penis isn't technically "lengthened" so much as it is uncovered or released from the body.

To add girth, doctors harvest fat cells from the man's body, usually from the buttocks or legs, then inject these cells into the penis to create a thicker shaft.

More recently, surgeons have refined these techniques and use other materials than fat as the implants: grafts of tissue from the man's own body or even from donor cadavers is now used to widen or enhance the penis.

What are the Risks, results and costs?

For most men, the thought of any of these procedures is too difficult to contemplate. But for others, the desire to change their manhood for the bigger and better is still overwhelming. Current estimates show that to date about 18,000 men have had the surgery.

Yet the surgery is still considered somewhat risky and only a relative few surgeons will perform it -- right now, only about 30 in the U.S. -- and then most will do it only if the patient is mature, emotionally stable and has submitted to counseling prior to the surgery.

Outcomes of early penis enlargement surgeries were often disastrous: many men were rendered impotent or disfigured, coming from surgery with freakishly shaped, red, raw, or in the worst cases, terminally limp penises.

Today's surgeons have more knowledge and experience in performing these procedures, though critics still question the reliability and safety of the operation. The ligament-cutting method may create a gain of an inch or two in length, at the risk of total loss of support of the erect penis, so that, in the words of one man, "it flaps around like a helicopter blade." A surgically severed suspensory ligament can also cause erections to point downward, or even cause total loss of sensation and impotency.

The fat-injection method to increase penis girth can create lumpy, asymmetrical and unappealing results. Once injected, the fat can migrate unpredictably. Sometimes it bunches at the center of the shaft, creating a strange, football-shaped member; other times, the fat randomly lumps up so the penis appears blobby and irregularly shaped. Often, fat will reabsorb irregularly, so that over time the built-up girth is lost in some places more than others. Fat injections almost always feel soft, something like female breast tissue, even when the penis itself is erect.

Currently, the risks have decreased somewhat, but certainly the price tag has not: penis enlargement surgery currently runs an average of $8,000.

Who is a candidate for penis enlargement surgery?

Even after considering all the risks, many men still opt for penile surgery. How do they determine whether this is the right choice for them?

First, a candidate should be in excellent shape, physically and mentally. A doctor can assess overall health, determine whether other health concerns preclude the procedure (high blood pressure, history of urogenital problems, and so on) and make recommendations for counseling or medication if necessary.

Next, it's always wise to thoroughly study any cosmetic procedure, particularly focusing on individual doctors and their results.

Finally, only the prospective patient can gauge how deeply he is affected by concerns about his penis. Risks and costs are weighed against the possible benefits -- but always, a realistic view is the key. Men who dream of having a penis women would die for must consider that their results may not match the image they have in mind.

What are alternatives to surgery?

In recent years, the all-or-nothing nature of penis augmentation discussion has changed: instead of being forced to choose risky surgery or other barbaric-sounding manipulations of questionable safety (weights, pumps, and other devices), men now have a whole range of supplements and natural enhancements to address their concerns safely. Virtually risk-free, these products have been tested by doctors and proven to enhance virility and performance! Safe, natural and showing an unbelievable success rate, these are becoming a very popular alternative to risking impotence.

Just like the preoccupation with the large penis, the ingredients in these products have been around for centuries. The ancient Chinese herbals blend with other naturally derived botanicals and ingredients from around the globe, delivering a powerful list of effects that has a lengthy record of giving men what they want.

What's new is the technology for creating and delivering the ingredients in a purified, accurate formula. VigRX pillsTM, for instance, are created in a pharmaceutical-grade laboratory, in the exact blend of ingredients and amounts to create better erections, increased sensitivity, longer staying power and stronger overall sexual health. VigRX OilTM is a rub-on oil that uses German transdermal technology to deliver the ingredients right through the skin and directly to the genitals for very fast, almost instantaneous effects on penis performance and sexual enjoyment. There are even "patch" products now - MaxidermTM patch, creates the same male potency effects as VigRXTM, but in a transdermal application. Men just apply the patch and start enjoying the benefits without having to worry about taking pills.

Natural Health Articles

Alternative medicine resources that include natural remedies and holistic healing techniques. Find occupational therapists and search alternative health articles and up-to-date daily health news and tips that promote healthy living.

On the topic of natural alternatives, another very popular new product addresses a related area in which men often feel inadequate: the amount and quality of ejaculate they produce. SemenaxTM , an oral supplement, also consists of all-natural ingredients, increases the volume of semen, the vigor of sperm, and the strength of orgasms, giving better "shooting power and distance."

What is best for me?

Small penis size and inadequate sexual function are no laughing matter. These problems can affect every area of a man's life, undermining confidence at many levels. Regardless of the degree of anxiety about this, though, men should investigate very thoroughly before taking any drastic steps.

Most men, after conducting a bit of research, prefer the natural alternatives. They find that natural methods are much more affordable, far more discreet, completely painless, and carry no risk of irreversible damage. The best supplements, such as those mentioned above, also have a money-back guarantee. And the results are very promising -- they work for nearly all men regardless of the degree of difficulty they are having. Men generally agree that even if they do fall into the small category that does not benefit from natural methods, they'd prefer to try the non-invasive supplements before opting for pricey, potentially disappointing surgery.

If surgery still seems appealing to you, consult your own trusted doctor to help you locate a surgeon who is very experienced in penis augmentation surgeries. Always get a medical recommendation or input when choosing your penis surgeon; by all means, avoid simply choosing a name from a list or a web site. The surgeon should be willing to share "before and after" photos of his successful operations, which will help you get a more realistic idea of what are the possible or likely outcomes. Be sure to ask about downtime and recovery following the surgery, and about post-op pain management.


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